Vote With Your Feet!
In the 2015 election, 22 million of us in the UK didn’t vote [1]. That’s more people than voted for any political party. It wasn’t because we’re apathetic – it’s because most of us saw through the “good cop, bad cop” routine of Labour and the Tories. At the time, both parties supported cuts, privatising […]

Should Revolutionaries Back Corbyn? The Case Against
New video: Is promoting Corbyn a realistic way to change our lives for the better? Or should revolutionaries stick to direct action?

Corbyn: a new theory
In a system rigged to protect the rich, how did a “socialist” candidate get nominated to the top of Labour party? And how can he stay in charge of the Labour party, when most of his MPs have been against him from the start? Why did Labour end up with an anti-cuts candidate years and […]