Class and Oppression – an injury to one is an injury to all!
Most people face other kinds of exploitation than just class. For example women get paid less, and do far more unpaid work as well. [1][2] Black people are often “last hired, first fired” and face racist bullying and harassment at work. [3] This isn’t just about prejudice or people being mean. It’s economic – some […]

Working Class Direct Action (how we fight the class war)
Direct action is about forcing things to change. We make it too expensive for bosses and landlords to refuse our demands. It works because they are in it to make a profit. Hit that profit, and you have them on the ropes. How do we actually do it? There’ll be a list of tactics in […]

Why we Fight the Class War
Most people work for a wage. [1] And what is it like for us at work? We spend the best years of our lives, the brightest part of our days, doing whatever the bosses and managers tell us. Some people love their job and others hate it, but none of us are in charge. Anything […]

HOW we win, not just WHAT we win
Back in 2015 I’d not had much experience of organising, and I worked in an industry where it’s rare for people to be unionised (IT). But I did win some small victories at my old workplace (mostly thanks to my union’s workplace organiser training) and like they say, the best way to learn is by […]