Working Class Direct Action (how we fight the class war)
Direct action is about forcing things to change. We make it too expensive for bosses and landlords to refuse our demands. It works because they are in it to make a profit. Hit that profit, and you have them on the ropes. How do we actually do it? There’ll be a list of tactics in […]

Lessons from the Dale Farm Eviction (repost)
“Dale Farm” is a Traveller site near Basildon, Essex. Even though the land is owned by the Irish Travellers that live there, the council decided to evict half the families from the former scrapyard because they did not have the right planning permission. [1]. While it took years for them to get around to it […]

Initiative, Reaction and the Class War (pt1)
What is Initiative? Something happened at work and everyone’s pissed off. People would probably join in if there was a strike, or at least a joint complaint. But nobody does anything. People grumble to each other in ones and twos but that’s all it is – no-one knows how to initiate action. How many of […]

Guerilla Tactics: How Activists can Fight to Win (repost)
Guerilla warfare was invented to answer the question: “what can a weak force with grassroots support, do against an army with far more weapons, experience, and resources?”. Organisers and activists have a similar problem – how can small groups of dedicated people stand up to capitalism, when the odds of winning on the streets, in […]